Monday, September 26, 2011

Yeast As An Organic Compund

Yest are actually chemoorganotrophs, which can be used like an organic compound in many ways, like making bread and alcohol.  When yeast ferments it converts carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and alcohol, so it can be used to make alcohol and bread.  

In alcohol the way that yeast is used as an organic compound is that it binds with the sugar to turn the malt (the process of getting the barley ready to be used in the brewing process) into alcohol.  Within the process there are other organic compounds used once you boil the alcohol there are water molecules that are attracted to each other and forms aluminum oxides.

Other ways that yeast is used as an organic compound are in the process glycosis (converting glucose into pyruvate and from pyruvate into lactate).  Once the glucose has been concerted to pyruvate and then to lactate yeast is formed. 


  1. This is good information. Just try to make your paragraphs a little longer. Maybe go into more detail about the fermentation that yeast undergoes to create alcohol and then post a chemical formula (if you can find one). Then go into more detail about the yeast in bread. Look them up, I'm sure you can find some more information to post. This site should help you get started:

    Good luck!

  2. I do have to agree with jetstreamcbs, that your paragraphs need to a bit longer adn some expansion would help us as your classmates understand the concept a little better. keep up the good work
