Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Chemical Compounds

The compound Monosodium Glutamate or MSG is commonly used for adding more flavor to foods like chips.  It is made when bacteria changes molasses or starch hydrolyzate into l-glumatic acid then it is neutralized using sodium hydroxide. 

Dextrose is a sugar or monosaccharide that is in nature and living things to provide energy.  It can be found in vegetable, vitamins.  It's made when raw materials liquify, so that an enzyme can be added.  The enzyme reacts to the starch and breaks down to form dextrose. 

Malic Acid is found in foods that are sour usually chips and candy.  This acid is a crystal and has no color.  It also can play a roll in producing energy.  It can also be found in skin care products. 

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