Monday, September 26, 2011

Yeast As An Organic Compund

Yest are actually chemoorganotrophs, which can be used like an organic compound in many ways, like making bread and alcohol.  When yeast ferments it converts carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and alcohol, so it can be used to make alcohol and bread.  

In alcohol the way that yeast is used as an organic compound is that it binds with the sugar to turn the malt (the process of getting the barley ready to be used in the brewing process) into alcohol.  Within the process there are other organic compounds used once you boil the alcohol there are water molecules that are attracted to each other and forms aluminum oxides.

Other ways that yeast is used as an organic compound are in the process glycosis (converting glucose into pyruvate and from pyruvate into lactate).  Once the glucose has been concerted to pyruvate and then to lactate yeast is formed. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tires made greener

A material made greener is tires like car tires, tires for 4-wheelers.  These tires are usually made out of rubber.  Most of the time when they are worn down as much as they can be they are broken down many people just leave them somewhere to eventually breakdown from natural causes.

When the tires are just left out in the woods they could potentially start a fire because when the materials they are made out of heats up before it is used, which could simply be if it's stored somewhere that gets very hot or if it's left out in the sun for a long time.  Since the tires have carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, butadiene, and styrene that react and cause the tire to burn when it get really hot. 

Now instead of letting the tires sit out in the woods whole they get broken down into little pieces and recycled to be used to make other products.  Car tires, that used to be made out of completely rubber are now being made out of stearic acid from animals, some other tires are even using natural rubber that hasn't been treated so it doesn't have any of the chemicals that harm the environment through a chemical reaction known as vulcanization. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Chemical Compounds

The compound Monosodium Glutamate or MSG is commonly used for adding more flavor to foods like chips.  It is made when bacteria changes molasses or starch hydrolyzate into l-glumatic acid then it is neutralized using sodium hydroxide. 

Dextrose is a sugar or monosaccharide that is in nature and living things to provide energy.  It can be found in vegetable, vitamins.  It's made when raw materials liquify, so that an enzyme can be added.  The enzyme reacts to the starch and breaks down to form dextrose. 

Malic Acid is found in foods that are sour usually chips and candy.  This acid is a crystal and has no color.  It also can play a roll in producing energy.  It can also be found in skin care products. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What Is Green Chemistry?

Green Chemistry I think is chemistry in a way that doesn't harm the environment, which would mean less pollution in terms of air and all the other types of pollution.  Hopefully, we will find ways to keep the environment healthy, so that the people and animals that live there can continue to live there and sustain life.

Lots of people have been talking about eliminating all the hazardous waste, which will help the environment.  Some of the ways people can help the environment are to clean up the waste and not throw anything in the lakes or river.  If you do throw anything in the water then make sure that it won't harm the animals that live in the lakes and rivers because if the lakes and rivers become too polluted they could either die off or lose their home.

Another thing that will help the environment is to switch to using renewable resources, like fossil fuels.  This will be easier to get a hold of and lest costly than the gas that we use everyday, which you have to drill for.  When you have to drill in order to get gas the littlest problem in the world is going to cause the gas prices to rise.  For example when there was that oil spill in the Gulf, the gas prices rose a considerable amount.